
SPJ Publication, an open-access academic publisher based in Begusarai, India, was established in 2023 and actively provides scientific publishing services for books and journals in the academic sector.

Open Access

Open Access allows readers to access published content, removing subscription fees freely. SPJ Publication ensures immediate and free availability of articles post-publication, enabling global access to the latest research. All SPJ Publication content is licensed under Creative Commons. SPJ Publication sustains publication through article processing charges (APC), borne by authors or their institutions, covering peer review management, professional copy-editing, and research promotion. United Press does not rely on other income sources. For authors, open access can enhance readership and potentially increase citation rates. SPJ Publication presents a cost-efficient publishing alternative compared to traditional subscription models, offering transparency to funding bodies and taxpayers by facilitating widespread access to research.

Journals Published by SPJ Publication

SPJ Publication publishes over 30 journals, all accessible online in open-access format through its website’s publication section. The publisher continually introduces new journals to meet evolving academic community needs.

SPJ Publication Editorial Offices

Headquartered in Kolkata, India, SPJ Publication employs a diverse in-house team, including Managing Editors, Assistant Editors, Production Editors, English Editors, copy editors, Data Specialists, Software Engineers, and Administrative Specialists. Apart from most English Editors, all staff work directly for SPJ Publication and its subsidiaries from SPJ Publication offices. Collaborating editors on Editorial Boards typically hail from academic or corporate research institutions globally. In-house editorial staff communication primarily occurs via email and telephone, with editors often overseeing multiple journals aligned with their academic expertise.

Editorial Process, Peer Review, and Production

Articles submitted to SPJ Publication journals undergo a rigorous peer-review process, typically single-blind (reviewers know authors’ identities, but authors remain anonymous) or double-blind (both parties remain anonymous until publication). The online submission system facilitates manuscript submission, peer review, and editorial decisions without requiring reviewers and external editors to have accounts, as they are identified through unique IDs in URLs. The Instructions for Authors page on each journal’s website guides authors through manuscript preparation and submission. Upon submission, a designated in-house Managing Editor supervises the entire editorial process, including peer review, decision-making, revisions, acceptance, copyediting, English editing, proofreading, and final publication. An Assistant Editor handles review invitations. Each manuscript undergoes review by at least two experts (three if the initial two differ significantly), who must hold a PhD, have no recent collaborations with the authors, and possess relevant recent publications.

Final acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is determined by the Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editor, or a suitable Editorial Board member, typically following revisions. Generally, no more than two major revision rounds are permitted. Post-acceptance, in-house editorial staff manage the production process, encompassing copyediting, English editing, and final formatting for publication. Journals are structured into yearly volumes and either monthly or quarterly issues, with articles published online immediately after acceptance and production. In numerous SPJ Publication journals, Academic Editors accepting manuscripts after peer review may opt to have their names featured on published articles. Guest Editors of Special Issues are mandated to include their names on accepted manuscripts.

Editorial Board Responsibilities: Responsibilities vary based on journal type, with roles in society-owned journals potentially differing.

Editor-in-Chief: Oversees journal activities, ensuring scientific quality and development, maintaining connections with the Editorial Board, and supporting the Editorial Office. The initial term is 1 year, involving:

  • Acting as a journal and open-access publishing ambassador.

  • Making scientific decisions regarding the journal’s scope.

  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board.

  • Proposing Special Issue topics.

  • Supporting Section Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, and Editorial Staff.

  • Overseeing the editorial process and making final publication decisions.

  • Upholding peer review and ethics guidelines.

  • Chairing the annual Editorial Board Meeting. 

Section Editor-in-Chief: Ensures scientific quality for a specific journal section, overseeing its growth and development. The initial term is 2 years, involving:

  • Acting as a journal and open-access publishing ambassador.

  • Making scientific decisions about the section’s scope.

  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board.

  • Proposing Special Issue topics.

  • Supporting Editorial Board Members and Editorial Staff.

  • Overseeing the editorial process and making final publication decisions. 

Co-Section Editor-in-Chief: Assists the Section Editor-in-Chief in overseeing a journal section. The initial term is 2 years, involving:

  • Advising on strategic section development.

  • Overseeing the editorial process and making pre-check editorial decisions.

  • Supervising Special Issues.

  • Proposing Editorial Board candidates.

  • Acting as a journal and open-access publishing ambassador. 

Associate Editors: Support the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editor-in-Chief, advising on journal development and scope, supporting Editorial Board Members, and overseeing the editorial process. They suggest Special Issues and invite Guest Editors.

Advisory Board Members: Guide the Editor-in-Chief on journal development strategies and policies, pre-screen new submissions, suggest Special Issue topics, promote the journal, attend Board Meetings, and assist with appeal cases or ethical disputes.

Editorial Board Members: Make final decisions on manuscripts, edit Special Issues, review manuscripts, promote the journal, and attend Board Meetings. The initial term is 2 years, including responsibilities such as pre-screening submissions, setting up Special Issues, attracting expert authors, providing policy feedback, promoting the journal, and attending Board Meetings.

Section Board Members: Similar to Editorial Board Members but focused on a specific journal section, with responsibilities including pre-screening submissions, editing Special Issues, providing policy feedback, promoting the journal, and attending Board Meetings.

Supporting Editor Responsibilities

  • Guest Editors: Manage Special Issues, invite contributors, supervise the peer-review process, and promote the Special Issue.

  • Subject Editors: Develop and promote Topics, invite scientists to lead Topics, suggest themes and journals for Topics, and join the Topics Award Committee.

  • Topic Editors: Manage Topics, invite contributors, supervise peer review, and promote Topics.

  • Collection Editors: Manage permanent Topical Collections, invite contributors, supervise peer review, and promote Collections.

  • Topical Advisory Panel: Comprising established and early-career researchers, the panel supports Guest Editors, Topic Editors, and Section Board Members. Responsibilities include reviewing manuscripts, setting up Special Issues, promoting the journal, and collaborating with Editorial Board Members.

Launching New Open Access Journals with SPJ Publication

For publishing proposals, including transferring existing journals, launching new titles, or converting subscription journals to open access, contact the New Journal Committee.

Comments and Questions

For general inquiries or support, use the Contact Form on the United Press website. For journal-specific inquiries, visit the respective journal’s page for Editorial Office contact information. For a list of United Press offices and contact details, visit our website and contact us.

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